NEETs and Love

Incels are often accused of being NEETs and vice-versa. In some corners of the net they are practically interchangeable generic insults. When all their criticisms about NEETdom have been refuted, the old insult of “lmao u dont get laid” is a favorite fallback of the working class. Putting aside how juvenile this is, it’s also factually incorrect.

Right off the bat, it’s completely socially acceptable for half the population to not work and even live with their parents indefinitely. I’d argue the ideal life outcome for most women is being a housewife. Even in 2019 it’s rare to see a woman shamed for not working. Moreover it’s trivial for most women to make a livable income simply by begging for it on social media or even dating apps. More to the point, the vast majority of women have no problem finding a date. Men don’t care what women do therefore work is not a prerequisite for half the population to find love. Women don’t even need to leave their house thanks to modern conveniences like tinder. And while women would prefer to wait til they have a steady income and/or partner before having children, all too often they are reliant upon welfare and child support, effectively using it as a form of (conditional) basic income. Their biological clocks (or state laws) won’t let them abort the fetus so finding a man with a job isn’t a priority.


However, finding a man with good genes is. I’m talking about the top 15% of heterosexual men or about 8% of the total population. These are the men who are considered so attractive, women disregard any long-term plans with them. They are the “alpha fux” of the “alpha fux beta bux” mating strategy. The slacker musicians, the degenerate drug dealers, the crustpunk vagabonds, and yes, even the trustfund hipsters. I personally have known more than one guy who had these same three defining characteristics: unemployed, good with women, and heroin junkie. Meanwhile, some of the hardest working (and richest) guys I know struggle with women. If you’re a NEET, you probably have a friend or two who never works yet is constantly drowning is pussy. Perhaps you are that guy. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments.


Lastly there are the gay men who make up about 2% of the overall population. While it’s typically more difficult for gays to find committed partners than straights, they certainly have no problem getting laid. When it comes to love and sex how you spend most of your day is irrelevant. Like women on heterosexual dating apps, any gay man can jump on a dating app in the morning and have a date that night.

For 60% of the population having a job is irrelevant with regards to dating prospects. That still leaves a sizable 40% though. These are the bottom ~81% of heterosexual men. These are the “beta bux” of the “alpha fux beta bux” mating strategy. Women view dating these men as transactional, hence requiring a couple dates to expensive restaurants before being willing to kiss them. Unfortunately, all this really means is that women are attracted to their money, not their mind and certainly not their genes. The unfortunate truth is most women only rate 15% of men as above average. The rest must provide monetary compensation, i.e. resources, in order to secure a mate. It’s a harsh reality but that is how it is in much of the animal kingdom and all of human history. Now that women are more independent than ever they have little incentive to settle for these less attractive men.


So does this mean 85% of men should give up on love? Of course not. But it does mean they need to wake up to the fact that you are not the contents of your wallet. Working destroys your chances at love more often than not, just ask any divorced couple. Love isn’t practical nor is it sacred. It’s a chemical reaction to induce reproduction coupled with having a high degree of personality compatibility. The only way people ever find love is doing exactly what they want all the time. Be a NEET and live your life how you please. If someone wants to come along for the ride, great. If not, at least you didn’t spend a third of your life doing something you hate for money.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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