Being a NEET is not for everyone

I apologize for not updating in four months. In truth, I’ve been getting most of NEET shitposting out of my system on the NEETpride discord lately as well as finishing up my new nonfiction book The Blackpill is a Whitepill, so I simply haven’t had the writing itch that usually leads me back here to make a post. One of the guys on the NEETpride discord has taken over the NEETpride facebook page, tumblr page, and started a twitter account, so hopefully that will tide you over till the next post.


Anyway, like most other “pride” movements NEETpride often gives people the impression that we think the world would be better if everyone was like us. Or if everyone else disappeared. The best thing about being NEET is the freedom to choose. This may be a controversial stance but I don’t necessarily think everyone should be a NEET. Don’t worry, I’m not saying that we need a permanent underclass of wageslaves. Hear me out.


Don’t be a NEET if you’re afraid of the world. Go ahead and say you have social anxiety or agoraphobia in order to get welfare, but when you actually have those things you will never truly enjoy NEETdom. Being irrationally afraid of anything ruins your life experience, NEET or not, and if you are only a NEET out of cowardice you’ll never have pride. By the way, don’t try to euphemize fear by calling it “hate” either tough guy. If you truly hate society you’re obligated to go out into the world and give it the middle finger publicly. This is why I’m always reluctant to call anyone under 20 a NEET. Tons of teenagers are terrified about engaging with the world and some use NEETdom as an excuse to avoid facing their fears. This is why I propose every NEET try living homeless for at least 2 months as a sort of “NEET bootcamp”. You aren’t truly free to do anything until you know how you act in a worst case scenario. It’s hard work being homeless and you build up life experience fast. You will learn to relish the comfy life that most NEETs enjoy.


Don’t be a NEET if you want a family. Even if you’re a woman. Sure ideally you’re a housewife, but raising kids properly takes away your freedom than most jobs out there. Still, reproducing and raising your own children is something pretty much every organism is hardwired to crave. Unlike moving Amazon boxes, the reward neurotransmitter payoff will likely be enough for you to persevere with raising kids. They’re a huge financial burden regardless. If you have no source of income you need to find about a quarter million dollars to raise each kid. If you have tons of money lying around there is no problem. But don’t count on your extended family and welfare to cover what you need. Perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a NEET parent is the dreaded CPS taking away his child. You have to remember that NEETs are still a discriminated against people. A NEET trying to start a family is akin to an interracial couple trying to start a family 200 years ago.


Don’t be a NEET if you’re the type of person who needs structure. In my experience about half the population earnestly enjoys the structure a job brings. People actually like to receive orders from a superior so long as they’re respectable. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s far easier to execute a task than to consider the entire system and delegate the appropriate tasks to the right people. Always knowing what to do at any given moment is a load off your shoulders. If it turns out to be a waste of time? It’s not your fault AND you get money. I totally understand why so many prefer that lifestyle. To be a NEET you either need to be proud of the personal projects you work on or proud of relentlessly pursuing nothing but hedonism. You need to be able to use your time in a way that you’re proud of without anyone telling you what to do. It’s that italicized part so many NEETs get wrong.


Don’t be a NEET if your happiness depends on how others view you. You must be a self-motivated individual to be a NEET and be proud of it. Right now, we live in a world where just about the only group more universally reviled than NEETs are incels. Hopefully with the NEETpride movement and UBI that will change. But as it stands you will be shit on by every tier of society which already leads to a depression epidemic among NEETs. Are you the type of person who doesn’t give a fuck? Maybe you should be a NEET. Do you tend to dwell on negative social experiences? Maybe you shouldn’t. Value independence? Be a NEET. Value fitting in? Don’t be a NEET.

Some will probably accuse me of gatekeeping and I suppose that is partially true. This isn’t the type of gatekeeping for the sake of keeping our “clan” exclusive, but rather trying to help potential members make the best choice for themselves. Due to the decentralized nature of NEETdom no one can stop you from calling yourself a NEET, even if you’re just a NEET-at-heart with a job. These are mere suggestions. I might add more if I think of any or if someone else posts another group they think shouldn’t be NEET and mentions it in the comments. Is there any group I mentioned you think should be NEET?

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